TypTap parent company takes careful approach in bringing employees back to the office

TypTap parent company takes careful approach in bringing employees back to the office

The TypTap team alongside its parent company HCI Group, Inc. started working from home 11 weeks ago to ensure employee safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. But during the past few weeks, as the company closely monitors cases and fatality rates in Florida, the company is taking a careful and cautious approach in planning a return to the office.

As HCI Group Chairman and CEO Paresh Patel described in a recent video message to employees, coming back to the workplace will be a gradual process, with more and more employees returning over time. For employees with conditions that require taking extra precautions, the company is asking that they continue working from home for now.

Should HCI see upticks in the local community in the spread of the virus, the company will immediately send workers back home. As Patel noted in his message, the health and safety of HCI employees are of the utmost importance to HCI.

While Patel noted that he’s eager to return to working in the office because he wants life to go back to “normal,” he said he understands it’s never going to be exactly the same. Taking the proper precautions, such as wearing a mask and practicing social distancing, is the best way to approach this challenge as a company.

This is a time in which it’s a good idea to focus on being hopeful. Patel encouraged everyone to stay vigilant and optimistic, while continuing to live their lives to the fullest extent – with the proper precautions, of course.

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